The world health organization raised the "bar" safe dose of alcohol drink. Now, according to the recently published who recommendations, a healthy person can Liter without harm to the health of the drink up to 10 of pure alcohol per year. Women are allowed a third less. Such generosity of the who equivalent of about a bottle of vodka in the week. But our experts in narcology likely to be conservative, they still keep the usual framework: a maximum of 8 litres of pure alcohol per year, and 3-4 days of full sobriety in the week. More and more doctors are pushing to change the traditional, well-established from the Soviet times, the principles of the -- the support of people with alcohol problems.

"More than 8 liters of pure alcohol per Person and year is the extinction of the Nation, says the head of the Department of psychotherapy of the National scientific centre for addiction research, Prof. — We now have consumed up to 15.1 liters. We are in a negative peak. Increased alcohol consumption does not occur on the empty spot is an attempt to de-Stress, to a certain extent, the escape from reality, in the case of any psychological problems. In part it works: to drink, introverted man is freed, gets you in a better mood and the problems are on the second Plan. But still is a psychological trap and the pseudo-solution of problems. The man pays too high a price. The pathology of the liver, the heart, the brain pays. Where book if there are signs of the disease, the person already, in General, is in a deep dependence on alcohol".
Insider tip: how much can you paint drink with a minimum risk to health?
It is believed that for men with a safe amount of alcohol is from 14 to 28 doses per week, for women 7-14 doses. In this case, this Norm is conditional: in some people, for example, in the case of unfavourable inheritance the risk of a deterioration of health arises from the use of very small amounts of alcohol.
How to drink properly?
Often say: abroad, eat, drink, and we drink, eat. The basic principle must be that the fewer, the better. And of course, drinks should be of high quality. Better to give preference to dry, not fortified and not dessert wines. Vodka, Cognac and other spirits, once in the stomach, cause condition, close to the fire, the wound of the mucous membrane, so vysokostatusnye drinks better dilute. When diluted drinks (can wine), we minimize Band on the whole evening, then the dose of pure alcohol is a small and health hazards. Since the Oxidation of the alcohol in the body requires an increased consumption of vitamins, it is advisable to have a Multivitamin, and the table must contain herbal, Can fruits and.
How useful is a dry red wine?
Really convincing evidence for the use of moderate alcohol consumption, including the dry wines, so far, not received. But many experts believe that the main importance in the ability to reduce Stress has a dose of pure alcohol, and not the type of drink. Therefore, it is better to drink less, but better.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
In accordance with the recommendations of the same who men should be more than 40 G and not to consume of pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And the women — a 30 G of pure alcohol (about 1.5 bottles of beer or 80 grams of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And this under the condition that 2 days in the week, the person will not accept a drop of alcohol.
When does the addiction?
Confess Alcohol Dependence Car-Units. Most people keep malopyuschy, and, in fact, a Person can drink a bottle of beer a day, but daily, and others drink rarely, but strongly. Who of you has a Problem with alcohol? Who experts distinguish four forms of consumption of alcohol.
- Safer Form. This is when a Person drinks 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol per week. With this amount of alcohol per day do not safety cans: 40ml (for men) and 30 ml of Ethanol (for women) is exceeded.
- A dangerous Form. This is when a Person is about safe doses and is not complying with the mode of sobriety.
- Doctors warn that with such attitude to alcohol, a Person with a risk in the future, addicted to alcohol and get as a "Bonus" one of the diseases with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, anemia, congestive heart failure, etc.).
- Consumption with harmful consequences. This is when the man drinks greedily (continuous consumption of alcohol over 2 days), feeling drunk with the irresistible urge concerned.
- But the drink most likely to have a characteristic Symptom of this Form of the loss of control over quantity. That is to say, a man lost his sense of proportion, but because more and more drunk he is drunk.
- A third Form of the consumption of alcoholic beverages is not yet as an addiction, but if your brain and the internal organs drinking quite wear out.
- Alcoholism. This Form is characterized by alcohol-resistant back attitude of the people refrain from alcohol, also in behalf of declining health.
In this Phase, the Form of intoxication, changes, for example, the fell used to be a man, was cheerful, and slept, and now he had an aggressive Form of behavior. The dose of alcohol, drink for a day, grows in a couple of times.
How much alcohol can be the man of the day can drink?
People relate differently to alcohol. Someone can not live a day, not interesting, although a glass of vodka. Some drink a few times a month and only on special occasions. There are such personalities, who react completely indifferent to alcoholic drinks. There is a safe dose of alcohol? Some doctors assure their patients that it is possible to eat not more than one dose of alcohol in the course of the week, others are convinced that the number of alcohol over one month 60 ml of vodka and 150 ml of wine, already showing signs of alcoholism. Scientists for the determination of a safe dose for the human body alcohol also brought a lot of different formulas. But most are looking for a doctors agree that each person has his own personal standard of alcohol consumed, which depends on its individual characteristics. The last assumption can be considered the plausible, because some people are able to assume omelet glass of wine, and other "" and a bottle of vodka. Dangerous only the weaker sex, to consume alcohol. Woman is very quickly drawn into drunkenness, and even a small dose of the spirits, cause your an addict. Drinking regularly, the lady is already over 2 years the risk of becoming an alcoholic. Men are winter hard alcohol and a not-so-quickly – after 10 years .
Doctors have conducted numerous studies, in consequence of which they came to the conclusion: men of medium stature, not to drink, consumed up to 250 ml of wine 500 ml of beer, and not more than 50 ml of vodka (or another drink from the fortress up to 40 degrees) of the day can be. In women, the permissible serving of alcohol per day less: - wine of not more than 150 ml, beer 330 ml vodka – 30 ml. It should be understood that it is only some of the listed spirits and not all. Scientists believe that the portions are not capable to have a negative impact on human health. If you drink alcohol up to a safe standard, then hot drinks are gradually and steadily they turn into a true alcoholic. Not only the sex is in the calculation of safe for people the standard alcohol. The climatic conditions also play an important role in the retract in the alcoholism. Observed that people in the cold regions much faster than in areas with more comfortable temperature control. Another factor that should be taken into account in the determination of the permissible dose of alcohol, the age of the drinking people. The younger the body, the faster he gets drunk, and thus more sensitive to the negative effects of Ethanol. The young man drunk Light beer, will sehmale faster middle-aged men to drink spirits.
You should know that alcohol is even in the smallest of quantities for pregnant and lactating women, children, young people, drivers and people on any medications. According to the who, drinking in the course of the year, about 8 liters of alcoholic beverages, a Person to irreparable damage to your health. At the same time, domestic addiction treatment indicate that the average citizen drinking alcohol, from 15 to 18 litres per year, and this already looks ominous sign of the trunk. Why some countries are more permissible standards for drinking? For most of our compatriots, the terms "drink" and "leave" are synonyms. No celebration passes without tables, Flex of the severity of the bottles with vodka, cognac, wine. Invite in the house of the guests and not to in front of you is a bottle with alcohol is considered to be a sign of indecency. If under normal circumstances, the human being is able to control the amount of alcohol consumed during the feast, he is allowed to consciously relax more and have fun.
Not in vain after the holidays with the people all kinds of chronic diseases sharpen. Compliance with the standard, you need precisely to define, how much he can drink, and you exceed your Limit for the day. The only way the culture of drinking to develop. But not only the holidays to promote the development of alcoholism. Ill Virus infection, some people drug agents prefer not to be treated, and strong drink. Alcohol really helps to destroying disease-causing microbes, but together with them, he will be destroyed, slowly and surely the whole body. And those people that combine during the treatment, the acceptance of intoxicating beverages with medication, make your self a disservice: even the small portions of vodka, brandy or other beverages with pills or drugs that attack the liver, pancreas and cardiovascular System. In addition, the additional portions of alcohol, the development of is to promote an alcohol problem. In the presence of serious diseases, alcohol intoxication occurs much faster. Over the dangerous condition with a very low body temperature (3-4 degrees below the Norm) and heavy breathing signaled. Usually after 12-36 hours after penetration into the body of the huge amounts of alcohol in humans, the heart and death occurs.
And how much you can drink in other countries? In the countries of the foreign safe dose of alcohol for men than 30 ml of pure Ethanol per day (this amount includes approximately 300 ml of wine, 600 ml of 40 ml of beer or vodka). For zarubeznyh women the admissible Norm of alcohol is exactly 2 times less than for the representatives of the stronger sex. The doctors are confident that, if you drink alcohol beverages at the indicated doses, then you will contribute to the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular System. In the misty albus allowed dose of alcohol 32 ml of pure Ethanol for men and 24 ml for women. In another state, an adult man, the damage without fear for the health and drinking, can afford, in good conscience, drink alcoholic beverages with not more than 20 ml of alcohol. For women, this standard is reduced to 10 ml per day. In the countries of the black population of the permissible dose of alcohol is 24 ml of pure Ethanol per day for the male population.
It is believed that the doctors recommended dose of alcohol per day is not only safe, but also very useful, but. moderately drinking people live longer than teetotalers. But the supporters of the hypothesis, no use of the body does not warn that the use can only bring dry red wine, more of the strong alcoholic drinks. You can have a Drink, you always know your standard and be able to stop in time. These happy people are not afraid of alcoholism. But those who will not be able to control themselves, the only way to avoid the dependency of alcoholic drinks – can't you hear stories about safe doses of alcohol and do not drink at all.
The Ministry of health warns: how much do you drink alcohol
Experts of the Ministry of health, the standards of alcohol consumption for men and women, which can be used in the labeling of these products. State research centre for preventive medicine of the Ministry of health to calculate the safe Norm of consumption of alcohol, it says in the article in the newspaper. In the standards, the amount of alcohol defined, the corresponding low, medium and high damage for the health. According to the calculations NYCPM if a man is drinking 1.5 L of beer with 4.5 degrees for three days in the week, the risk is low. The same dosage for five days, the risk will increase in the medium, and the daily use of such an amount of beer equivalent to the high costs. Glass of vodka with a volume of 50 ml for men can do for a drink with a low risk for the health of twice the day, a woman at the observance of the safety better. For exceeding this Norm, the risk in the average. The woman, according to the recommendations NYCPM can you drink per day two glasses (each 100 ml) of dry wine alcohol content of 13 degrees. Or a glass of champagne with a capacity of 150 ml. Such doses mean low risk, even if the drink in the course of the week.
Impossible to detect valid and invalid levels of alcohol consumption, the newspaper quoted the Director of the Institute for drug abuse, the health of the Nation. "Such recommendations or calculations of risks for the health for each individual taking into account his body mass, the condition of the systems of the body, the enzymatic apparatus that splits alcohol, these moments in the documents of the WTO", — said the expert. The head of the center for the development of a national alcohol policy, said that the human control is quite difficult, the use of alcohol in certain doses and at the right Moment to stop, taking into account the recommendations. You don't hold to consequences. "If man is good, why should he stop, therefore, it is worthwhile to talk about, that you start to drink alcohol — it's a risk," said the expert.